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A: Here are some solutions, but it seems that all solutions are not a ideal solution for your problem. Not to use ng-repeat to generate all the rows. Pre-generate (by ng-repeat) or create the table from scratch Use a standard HTML table without ng-repeat. Here's some more info. Hope this helps. for me. Would the library still provide API access to the stored objects or would that be part of the domain objects? A: You might find this presentation helpful: A: You need to think about a stateless design, without Singletons. About Singleton design: So, you need to retrieve all the data in one place and set some kind of global variable to store it, or create some kind of global registry. The idea is that you won't be retrieving data from multiple controllers, but just from one single place, which would be the best fit for a Singleton design. About Contexts: Do you need to know what is the Context in your application? Do you need access to it from everywhere? Do you need an object with its state and not to be resolved to the same place each time? If you don't need to know what is a Context and just use one global registry, in my opinion you are using a Singleton pattern. About DAO (Data Access Object): As @Thomas mentioned, DAO (Data Access Object) is related to the singleton pattern. You have your own DAO, which interacts with a Database, which will always be the same, and it doesn't make any sense to instantiate it with new. A: Could you please specify what you are actually trying to achieve? That should help us to ac619d1d87

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